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What to Consider When Planning a Loft Conversion at Home

We all want to make the most of the space within our homes – and, in many scenarios, this can make a loft conversion seem like an excellent option to consider. However, before you can begin applying for a loft conversion, it’s crucial to ensure it’s the right decision for your home and situation. And with this in mind today, we’ve outlined some of the key things you should know about loft conversion planning to help you decide whether or not this is the solution you’ve always wanted for your property.

After all, it’s not always easy to find the perfect opportunity – but luckily, with help from the local professional experts, you can ensure your conversion goals go smoothly overall.

What to Consider When Planning a Loft Conversion 

Before you begin your loft conversion planning, we highly recommend you consider the following five points to help with your decision. Indeed, while there are countless benefits associated with a loft conversion, it may not always be for everyone. As such, the following factors may help influence your decision.

What to Consider When Planning a Loft Conversion at Home

#1 Do You Need Planning Permission? 

Do you need planning permission to apply for a loft conversion? Well, this depends on the property in question and the specific requirements of your conversion. However, in most cases, a straightforwards loft conversion that stays within the bounds of the original building can be done with permitted development rather than needing full planning permission.

However, if you are planning to extend your loft outside of the original boundaries, you may need to obtain planning permission. If you have already used permitted development on your property, you may need planning permission to do further work.

We should point out here, though, that you will still need to ensure your loft conversion adheres to building regulations before it can be approved. Building regulations help ensure that the loft conversion is safe and secure, preventing nasty accidents down the line.

#2 Could an Extension Be More Appropriate?

A loft conversion may not always be the right solution for your home. For example, an extension could be a more appropriate solution if you have a large garden space or have been looking to create a new communal space, such as a larger kitchen or lounge. While extensions are more costly and require planning permission, that shouldn’t wholly influence your decision – and extensions will also increase the value of your property more substantially than a loft conversion.

#3 Will You Need Major Work Done?

Another key point of consideration is whether you will need significant amounts of work done to make the loft conversion a reality. For example, many older properties have a gravity-fed boiler in their attics; if you complete a loft conversion, you may need to move these elsewhere. As such, it’s also worth considering that any major work will significantly increase the cost of your loft conversion – which might influence your final decision.

#4 Will There Be Enough Storage After the Loft Conversion?

Take a step back for a moment; let’s consider the main purpose of an attic or loft in the first place. While the attic sometimes serves as a home for the boiler, in many homes, it also has another purpose: as a large amount of additional storage space for belongings that are large but which aren’t necessarily needed regularly, such as the Christmas decorations for your home. Many people also keep sentimental items in their lofts, such as old photos, children’s clothes and toys, and the like.

As such, it’s easy to see why many families have a huge amount of stuff crammed into their lofts – and, while you could potentially discard a lot of this, many things will still be important. Before committing to a loft conversion, we highly recommend that you consider whether you’ll still have enough storage space for your belongings after the loft conversion is done. For example, do you have a garage you could convert into storage space, or could you add a little extra storage back into the room after the loft conversion is complete? All of these questions will likely be vital.

Fortunately, you can discuss these matters with your professional loft conversion drawings provider, who may be able to accommodate such requests and provide innovative solutions overall.

#5 How Much Will it Cost? 

There’s a lot to love about loft conversions, and one of the most notable benefits for many homes and households is the cost. Indeed, loft conversions can often be substantially cheaper than building an extension to your home, which means there’s potentially a lot less cost and hassle involved in applying for a loft conversion.

However, that’s not to say that converting your loft is necessarily cheap, either. Indeed, there are still numerous costs for your loft conversion planning and execution, from seeking professional loft conversion drawings to the internal work itself.

In fact, Household Quotes estimates that the average loft extension will usually cost around £30,000. While some may be cheaper than this, down to around £21,000 for a small loft conversion, larger conversions may be in the region of £40,000. The most substantial loft conversions of all could even cost as much as £60,000 – so it’s vital to consider whether your wallet can support this expense before getting too heavily invested.

Luckily, there are ways you can cut the time and costs associated with seeking your conversion. For example, our team specializes in offering the most affordable and cost-effective loft conversion drawings, helping you make the most of your funds without spending an extortionate sum on expensive solutions.

Thinking of Converting your Loft? Let the Team at Extension Plans UK Help?

If you’ve been planning a loft conversion, there’s a lot to think about that could influence your final decision. From the height of the room to the availability of space, whether you’ll need to apply for planning permission to make your loft conversion a reality, it’s not always quite as straightforwards as it can seem. Still, when you partner with a professional team of extension experts, such as ours here at Extension Plans UK, you can count on quality support to help your home be the best it can be!

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